
Located in the southern sector of Dallas—Southern Bible Institute & College finds itself in an expanding, ethnically-diverse community. Within its community, Southern Bible Institute & College shines as a beacon of hope as an authoritative biblical higher education school. The African American community desires students who are trained in bible-centered expository preaching and teaching. Southern Bible Institute & College is poised to grow and fill this proliferate hunger for biblical preaching, teaching, and servant leadership.


Vision: “Timeless servant leadership rooted in God’s authoritative Word”

SBIC prepares individuals through rigorous academic instruction, in the truth of Holy Scripture for more effective service in their home, church, community, and in the world. It is our earnest prayer that the school will produce graduates who are servant leaders in the ministry field not necessarily identified by denominational affiliation, but distinctively marked by the Institution’s mandate statemen.

“Equipping Servant Leaders"

The mission of Southern Bible Institute & College is: Equipping men and women to be competent servant leaders with a bible-centered worldview. Accordingly, this mission statement inspires faculty and staff to patiently work together as each one's work contributes to our Mission.


Core Values

Teaching and learning are central to our mission. We believe faculty and support staff must evidence and possess a primary commitment to:

  • Value man, woman, and child as a person whom God created and thus is due respect, admiration and kindness accordingly.

  • View every new applicant as significant, and as such, be given every opportunity that can reasonably be offered to enroll him or her in SBIC.

  • Hire staff, faculty and appoint Board members that give students every opportunity to mature through God’s Word.

  • Esteem the authority of God’s Word as central to all teaching and learning situations. That when we consider answers to questions, resolution to conflict, counseling, or any other issues, God’s Word is central in all our dealings.

  • Exercise responsibility for preparing students to learn what is necessary for becoming strong home, church, and community servant leaders.

Philosophy of Education

Southern Bible Institute & College is a biblical higher education institution. We are committed to providing high-quality educational experiences appropriate to a post-secondary institution centered in biblical higher education. Faculty possess appropriate academic qualifications and have experienced ministry complementary to their instruction.

Students are admitted on the basis of their ability to evidence academic preparation commensurate for successful study at the undergraduate level. All instruction involves these non-negotiable fundamentals to achieve our mission.

  • The Bible is the primary textbook for all academic programs and practical ministry experience. Servant leadership is the sine qua non indispensable link and essential action emerging from this duality. Freedom of inquiry is encouraged with the Bible as an absolute.

  • Faculty are in wholehearted agreement with the essential doctrines of the faith as articulated in SBIC’s Biblical and Theological Distinctives.

  • Learning in the classroom must complement the priorities of Scripture in areas such as one’s personal relationship with the Lord, family, evangelism, and others. A believer’s first priority in ministry is in and through the local church.

  • It is the responsibility of faculty in particular and of the whole SBIC community in general to model servant leadership by way of example in word and deed. Accordingly, Christ honoring love is the motivation, manifestation, and ethic of all instruction and practice for the SBIC community of believers.

  • All academic instruction must be relevant to the cultural milieu of our fast-changing, technologically driven world. Learning is a life-long pursuit. Curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular experiences are intentionally executed to cultivate a desire for life-long learning with a bible-centered worldview.

Academic Programs & Curriculum

SBIC’s commitment to continuing education and post-secondary academic programs, has promoted a clearer distinction between its Institute and College program offerings. The Institute—intended to serve the traditional constituency of students with a passion to learn the Word of God but not necessarily at a post-secondary level of academia—includes the Diploma, Bridge Studies, and Continuing Education programs. The College provides the highest level of ministry preparation at a collegiate level of rigor, through the professional ministry development Certificates and Degree programs (which include: Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Science).

These academic programs at SBIC are intentionally constructed to fully prepare our students with an increase in bible knowledge as well as for vocational outcomes flowing from our institutional mission, goals, and educational environment. Life-long learning centered in God’s inerrant revelation contained only in the Bible applicably sums the foundation and goals of all our instruction. Academic programs are further organized into these curricular areas: Foundational, General Education, Disciplinary, and Professional studies. As academic programs advance from diploma through degree, so the curricular requirements and rigor differ. Certain courses have prerequisites and accomplishments which must be met prior to advancing in course work. This keeps the student focused toward fulfilling requirements for their academic program plan of study.

Student Experience

What will a student experience at SBIC—Academic programs infused with biblical content; faculty passionate about teaching, student-to-student relationship building (through the Care Connection fellowship model), and real-time ministry application; staff modeling servant leadership and fostering meaningful relationships with students; challenging chapel messages consistently focused in the Word with spiritually uplifting worship; a campus environment conducive to spiritual and personal growth; and servant leadership ministry experience opportunities guaranteed to spiritually mature students as they pursue God’s call. Students also benefit from technology in use on campus and stay connected through the campus-wide online information system, mySouthernBible.

Southern Bible Institute & College welcomes all applicants for admission regardless of gender, age, race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin.

Student Development

We are committed to providing educational experiences which complement our curriculum and faculty instruction. Freedom of inquiry also applies to student development by providing opportunities for a student to affirm God’s leadership in their life as well as the stewardship of His gifting and abilities at work in and through them.

Student development activities are intended to contribute to a student's personal growth and support institutional level education outcomes for graduated students. This integral component of SBIC’s educational mission through the student development Care Connection structure and support services are explained in SBIC’s Student Development Handbook.

Spiritual life and ministry formation naturally plays an indispensable role, and is facilitated by the dedicated Coordinator which oversees these areas. Regular campus chapel services challenge students (and all members of the campus community) to prioritize their personal spiritual growth and build qualities of Christian character into their personal lives characterizing servant leadership. Through regular ministry experiences under the Servant Leadership Education Development (SLED) course assignments, students are challenged to develop ministry and vocational skills competencies that complement learning in the classroom. SLED requirements are facilitated within each course and the school's expectations and student responsibilities are outlined in each syllabus.

Educational Outcomes

Through its curriculum and instruction, SBIC purposes to engage its students in biblical higher education that will enable and challenge students to:

  • Increase knowledge and understanding of the Bible and Christian theology.

  • Move toward a maturing Christian life by learning to apply scriptural truths.

  • Grow as passionate servant leaders, equipped with marketable skills for service, ministry, and vocation.

  • Develop skills for the work of evangelism and world missions.

  • Develop the foundation necessary for expressing a bible-centered worldview.

  • Develop inquiry and research skills to support life-long learning.

  • Progress to further studies in biblical, theological, ministerial, and related fields.

  • Institute Diploma Graduates: Evidence the ability to integrate bible knowledge with a bible-centered worldview in the areas of the home, local church, community, and marketplace.

  • College Certificate Graduates: Evidence the ability to integrate bible knowledge and a bible-centered worldview, along with professional ministry skills, that advances vocational servant leadership.

  • College Degree Graduates: Evidence the ability to integrate a bible-centered worldview with broad general education areas of study for ministry effectiveness and further studies.

Strategic Institutional Initiatives And Planning

SBIC is actively confirming partnerships with individuals, businesses, churches, and professional communities who embrace achieving SBIC’s Vision undergirding these strategic initiatives. Consequently, our mission for equipping men and women to be competent servant leaders with a bible-centered worldview involves eight strategic initiatives prioritized from 2016-2020. 

SBIC will accomplish this by:

  1. Increasing institutional effectiveness through regular, systematic planning, and assessment to advance the mission of the school.

  2. Improving and expanding curricular offerings to affirm student learning outcomes at all levels as well as placement after graduation.

  3. Growing the student population through active, aggressive, and effective recruitment and retention strategies.

  4. Implementing and sustaining the Vision through top-notch servant leadership development; and expanding the faculty to increase excellence in academic engagement and ministry effectiveness. Additionally, cultivating a professional staff who provide administrative and educational support services that complement the school’s mission and branding statements for servant leadership.

  5. Advancing the technological environment in order to enhance student learning, academic program delivery and methods, and day-to-day operations in all areas of the school.

  6. Exercising optimal stewardship, while providing an excellent learning environment. Initially remodeling current facilities to provide an environmentally sound and safe learning environment in a growing technological age.

  7. Increasing the funding base of SBIC through new relationships with dedicated partners who share the Mission and Vision.

  8. Providing a stabilized educational and fiscal foundation from which to invite smaller like-minded public institutions as well as local church leadership and Christian Education programs to partner with SBIC serving as an influential resource for implementing a similar model and mission.


More Information


Southern Bible Institute & College is located at 7200 South Hampton Road in Dallas, Texas, and sits on twelve acres of scenic property in the southern sector of the city of Dallas. The campus consists of the main facility which houses all classrooms, Fox Chapel, student connection break room, computer lab, administrative offices, and reference library. This library exists to support the challenging learning outcomes of our rigorous academic program.


DFW presents great opportunities for SBIC’s biblical higher education growth. SBIC has proven stability for the long term with 90 years of uninterrupted operation and no factional splits over doctrinal matters or ministry practice. SBIC has never wavered from its biblical and theological stance. Faculty offer a traditional curriculum supportive of biblical higher education for those who hold the inerrant and infallible Word of God as their rule of faith and practice.

As one of the highest areas of ecclesiastical activity in the US among African American population centers, DFW offers multitudinous venues for servant leadership ministry skills growth and mentoring support. Currently, SBIC’s student body represents more than 165 area churches.

Since SBIC’s student population is primarily composed of adult learners, the statistical benchmarks for growth have been informative in our research. Among the leading benchmarks these facts standout: 46% of area high school graduates do not immediately attend a higher education institution; approximately 70% in the metroplex over age 25 do not have at least a bachelor’s level degree of education; the median age is 31; Dallas ranks in the top ten for low cost of living index indicators among 25 major metropolitan areas in the US. Accordingly, accreditation will lead to growth and ongoing institutional mission accomplishment given these general factors for looking at SBIC’s future.


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